Men’s Psychology®
Men's Psychology Podcast
Depresculinity - Class 2, Lesson 8

Depresculinity - Class 2, Lesson 8

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Here we address the importance of self-worth, self-respect, and self-validation in various aspects of life. It questions whether the listener gives themselves enough credit, likes themselves enough, and values themselves in different domains such as career, relationships, and health. It suggests that the protagonist's problem with his girlfriend is rooted in his lack of initiation and permission to champion himself and respect himself.

However, it also points out that the woman he has chosen to be with is not respectable, mature, or valuable to him. This situation is described as codependence, where two people are trapped in a relationship without truly valuing each other. The passage encourages the listener to consider both sides of the equation – giving themselves more permission to pursue happiness and realizing that not every person they are involved with is necessarily valuable to them.

The protagonist's lack of permission to be happy and being in a relationship with a harmful partner are identified as key issues. The passage concludes that even if one is with a reasonable and decent partner, they still have the right to choose not to continue the relationship. The spectrum of circumstances and possible actions is highlighted, and the passage emphasizes the need for clarity in such situations.


Men’s Psychology®
Men's Psychology Podcast
At Men’s Psychology, we look at scientific research on male instincts and current events and news stories to discuss the everyday life of today's men in relationships, careers, and parenting. With an equal emphasis on female psychology, we aim to foster discussion of our commonalities and discoveries in the field.