Thanks both. I have delivered mentalization based treatment with groups of men with severe mentalization problems (ASPD) and have been lucky enough to work with founders of MBT. I really enjoyed this contextualising of MBT within a wider psychotherapy conversation. I like Jeremy's way of describing some of the MBT principles and Dr Paul's way of connecting them with other ideas. By the way, there is a great article comparing the mentalization concept with theory of mind, mindfulness and empathy from Choi-Kain and Gunderson (if you can get past the title)
This is great Dr Marcus thanks for this. In the overall MindOS material I use Observing Ego as a placeholder term for Mentalization and use it as one of the three cores of high character, character growth and nearly any other endeavor At psychological growth. We would love to hear more and or to interview you for the podcast if you have time.
Thanks both. I have delivered mentalization based treatment with groups of men with severe mentalization problems (ASPD) and have been lucky enough to work with founders of MBT. I really enjoyed this contextualising of MBT within a wider psychotherapy conversation. I like Jeremy's way of describing some of the MBT principles and Dr Paul's way of connecting them with other ideas. By the way, there is a great article comparing the mentalization concept with theory of mind, mindfulness and empathy from Choi-Kain and Gunderson (if you can get past the title)
This is great Dr Marcus thanks for this. In the overall MindOS material I use Observing Ego as a placeholder term for Mentalization and use it as one of the three cores of high character, character growth and nearly any other endeavor At psychological growth. We would love to hear more and or to interview you for the podcast if you have time.
Thanks Dr Paul. Yeh it would be great to come on the podcast at some point.
I sent a DM to your Substack address let me know if you didnt get it.
Great shoot me a DM with your contact info
A sane conversation gentlemen that’s coming out of your minds, it’s priceless! My mind is spinning and needing to land so I can write about it.