May 30Liked by Dr. Paul

Well it’s like you once said: you’re a board certified psychiatrist in a world of promoters and marketers. What the hell do they know in comparison!

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May 30Liked by Dr. Paul

Hey Dr Paul

You’ve really honed down and even to my mind expanded on what you talked about in QP! It’s awesome to have you back! Ps do you have any products newer then QP that are available? Thanks!

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Thank you Desmond, I wouldn't say "products" because ive backed away from that concept and more into just research and writing. But Ive "turtled" for ten years to just write and write and research and write, so much of everything is either new or refined, but not "selling" things except for people to become 9$/mo substack members and get access to EVERYTHING. My unreleased best work I think is the romantipedia.com website where I expanded the "omega male" thing to 5000+ pages useful to men and women equally on all of human courtship, with AI style advisor to drop you on the single best article to answer any question, and cross referencing itself like wikipedia.

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May 30Liked by Dr. Paul

Hi Dr Paul.

I’m looking at the romantipedia app right now. I’ll be delving into it right away! Thank you for ‘coming out of retirement’ and sharing your latest research . I have found that your concepts really work in the real world. For example ‘ friendliness equals self esteem’ from QP I forced myself to do this at a new job where my team mates where not friendly at first and as a result I’ve found my ‘value ‘ has gone up and they’ve either responded in kind or i just don’t care if they don’t! Win-win! Just a small example of what I’ve used from QP. You deserve to be as famous as Tony Robbins ( i know, the unmentionable !:-) I’m just grateful thanks to your amazing models and research et i have a user’s guide to my brain and psychology!

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You make me blush.

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A thought just popped in. . .!?

Perhaps women are not risk takers like men because birthing is really at the end of the day, a matter of life and death, and depending, could be quite the crisis, a risk most of us women don’t think about.

So in a way woman forgoes outside risk, for taking the risk of giving birth. I think that makes a little sense but I will have to tighten it up and ponder a bit more.

I sure do appreciate being able to share my thoughts here, because I don’t share them much, it’s nice to have an outlet. Thanks G

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I agree with this curiosity. But a risk can be backed out of consciously, and that's not really the case in pregnancy (through human history, not post-pill, and longterm history matters for looking at evolutionary processes.) But I'd say on first reaction that I felt it's being "risk averse" that is life-saving for the potential infant, not "taking a risk by having the infant" and that's even before there is an opportunity to procreate. Im not sure this has been explored yet as a possibility by the Evolutionary Psychologists since they focus more on the "risk positivity" of men rather than risk stating some kind of risk aversion by women.

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That thought just popped in and out of my mind into this tiny box without much thought, I wonder if it came from my reptilian brain, there was a body feeling and an emotional feeling attached to it. I can get in touch with my body’s feelings fairly easily these days and I am learning Neuro Somatic Mindfulness, a meditation practice by Fleet Maull PhD, it’s his baby, and it works wonderfully for me.

Sometimes I loose my thread of thought and need to be reeled back in, it’s a quirk I have. I do spend a lot time in my mind, creating things, in my den, I have a den, it’s nothing like Hades cave, though, giggle giggle.

I appreciate you taking time to share your first reaction and saying a few things about the science.

You know what amazes me Sir is that I’m communicating with a licensed Psychiatrist, quite honestly, that has never happened, I have had many conversations with men but never a renowned Psychiatrist, my dad would be amazed, shoot, I’m amazed and I’m enjoying myself tremendously.

It’s interesting this form of communication it’s like old school letter writing but quicker, there is something I like about it and can’t put my finger on the feeling, I will find the words to name that feeling in a poem.

I’m chatty tonight, thanks for listening, hope you’re having a super night Dr. Paul. G

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Good Friday evening Dr. Paul,

May I suggest you take a moment to listen to a podcast I posted on my Substack notes, it is the first one; The Beat with Ari Melber: Bonus.

I found myself analyzing and having fun applying your method, it seems to have naturally kicked in, simply Sir, it’s amazing and spot on, Apollo, Zeus, Ares, Hades, Hermes, Poseidon, actually I think they were all present.

I also heard the conversation reflect somethings you and Mr. Fox touched on in today’s lesson. Please let me know your thoughts, it is quite a unique conversation between two men, from my feminine point of view, valuable and relevant and demonstrates the scientific evidence you present. Be well, Geraldine

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Kendrick vs Drake rap battle reveals the instincts? Not surprising

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Nature is neutral and neutral is gnarly

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